Re:Lab AB
What we do
Conversion of plastics in hydrogen and new renewable plastics monomers via high purity syngas. The syngas can be used to produce new virgin quality plastics or methanol.
What we do
We convert mixed post-consumer plastic waste to high purity syngas (H2+CO). The syngas can be used for production of raw material, e.g. methanol, for production of virgin quality plastics.
Our technology
We have developed a Low Temperature Conversion (LTC) technology working at a temperature below 450⁰C. The low gasification temperature makes LTC financially viable. The technology is independent of plastic composition and sorting of mixed plastics is not needed.
The problem we solve
Only a proportion of all plastic waste can be used for mechanical recycling. We can use all non- halogenated plastics. Today most plastic waste is either incinerated or landfilled, adding to the global plastic crisis. Incineration means emission of carbon dioxide.
The problem we solve
Today only a small part of plastic waste is recycled. Most plastic waste is either incinerated or landfilled. Incineration means emission of carbon dioxide that contributes to the climate change. Mechanical recycling is widely used but has limitations. With LTC most types of plastics can be recycled and reduce the need for fossil raw material. The resulting plastic is of virgin quality and purity and can be used for food-packaging and for medical purposes.
We enable a circular plastic economy.
Contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
12 – We are the link between sustainability end plastics circular economy;
13 – We decarbonize fuels and processes;
14- We depollute the seas and rivers by removing the contaminating plastics;
15- Removing contaminating plastics from land.
Production unit
A full scale production unit is built in Maribor, Slovenia.
© 2023 Circular Laboratory Plasticware - Med ensamrätt.
LTC-Technology under license agreement with Recupera DOO